
JRM599 Entrepreneurial Media Blog

The Visionary

Photographer: Mughees Choudhry

Photographer: Mughees Choudhry

The Adobe quiz stated I was the Visionary - I’ve got big ideas, and I’m able to see potential and possibility anywhere. They claim I live in a world of untapped possibilities. 

Overall, I agree with the conclusion Adobe has come to. I’m always working on new projects, and trying to find new techniques to learn, in order to develop the best project I can. I’m constantly imagining projects which push my boundaries, in order to improve my skills as a creative, and a filmmaker. While the scope of my creativity hasn’t really changed over the last seven years, my ability to faithfully execute on my ideas has definitely improved, and results in more faithful ideas. 

Throughout the majority of my time as a creative, I’ve been most creative as an individual. I’ve preferred to work alone, as I’ve felt that I’ve been the most technical of my peers, and have believed that I’m better off working alone. During my time in Pittsburgh, I had the opportunity to work with a team for the first time, and I was the noob. Since then, I’ve done everything I can to pull together larger teams, having recognized the strengths of having multiple creative minds. I’ve only made a few projects since my time in Pittsburgh, a short skit for Bluejay Life, which hasn’t yet been released (LINK ADDED WHEN LIVE) and a project about some of the intolerances members of creighton’s minority communities experience on a daily basis. I’ll also be producing a 48 hour film with filmmakers from three states, and several peers from here at Creighton. We’ve got a variety of different creators - filmmakers, photographers, fashion artists, actors, and so many more. This is going to be the penultimate project of mine, featuring the largest team I’ve ever assembled for myself. I’m simultaneously ecstatic and terrified (LINK ADDED WHEN LIVE). 

Creativity is essential for my field. In a field where advertisements are less and less effective, it requires increasingly unique new ideas that will resonate with consumers who are tired of advertisements everywhere they look. Whether it be through connecting with individuals through hard hitting stories that inspire brand love, advertisements that genuinely make people laugh, or products that shake up their fields, this world of consumerism requires creative minds at the heart of advertising more than ever. 

Cole Mowery